Saturday 27 October 2012

Fort york located in Toronto ontario canada under the gardiner expressway was built in 1793 to defend york from invasion. The fort started out as a small barracks but was later built into the structure we know today. The fort was taken by invading american forces in 1813 bye naval and ground forces The retreating British forces set fire to the black powder that they could not carry. And inso doing so killed hundred of american foot soldiers including the americans general  Zebilo Pike. The fort was held for 5 days bye the americans and then was later retaken by british and native forces . The fort was rebuilt and withstood a later invasion attempt in 1814 by the americans. The fort is hidden under the gardiner expressway and is surrounded by industrial complexes. But when u enter the gates you feel like you have been taken back in time with all of the historical buildings and actors.

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