Saturday 27 October 2012

Old Fort Erie located in Niagara falls at the rivers edge it originally was not a fort it was built for a trade post and supply storage for the American revolution. In 1803 planning was put forth for a new for Erie just behind the original. Fort Erie is most likely the most formidable fort when it comes to strength of the walls because it was built out of Onondaga Flintstone. The fort was the site of the bloodiest battle in the war of 1812 and in the history of Canada. When the war broke out with the Americans the fort was not fully complete and was much harder to defend. In the end the Americans took the fort and then later abandoned it on June 9 1813 a few days later the British retook it and finished its construction. The fort has battle reenactments and daily historical tours. The entire for is claimed to Be haunted and a such there are ghost walk all of October and well into November.

CFB Bordon is an active Canadian military base just south of barrie that on the outside looks secret and high security. But recently 2 very interesting and in depth museums have sprung up on the base`s land and are definitely a good place to check out. The 2 different museums are located in the same building and have a whole bunch of vehicles and weapons from all eras of war. If you look at the building from the front and you look to your left you have a tank vehicle and ground war section of the museum. If you look to your left you have the air/navy section of the museum. Both have multiple vehicles and information on ww1 ww2 and every war canada has been in. Also if you would like to do a little bit more exploring polka dotted around the base are even more vehicles. In the front there's a LAV right next to germans fearsome leopard  tank that the canadians have been using since is initial production. CFB Borden is an amazing area/museum to go in and explore although don't be surprised that some of the active duty service servicemen/women give you a "hey whos that guy" look.
(F-5 Freedom Fighter)
(British Centurion Tank)

(German Leopard tank used by Canadian Forces)

                                                                (M4 Sherman Tank)

Diefenbunker was Canada's main political fall out shelter for the cold war era build just outside of Ottawa Ontario. The bunker was to serve as the first line of defence against the suspected Russian nuclear war in the 70`s. Named the Diefenbunker after John Diefenbaker it was built secretly between 1959 and 61 its 4 stories down and had everything needed to run a democracy during nuclear war. The museum allows tourists all access to every room and every hallway. The bunker is just as it was when it was finished and thankfully has not been used. The bunker is open year round to tourists and is a chapter in canada's history that should never be forgotten.
HMCS Haida located in Hamilton Ontario is a ww2 era  canadian built destroyer from 1943 she was the best in her class at the time she was built. Boasting the most modern guns,engines and hull she was truly a worthy adversary for the german wolf packs in ww2. The Haida was decommissioned in 1963 and was going to be sold for scrap but a few torontonians raised enough money to purchase the ship and position her in a naval museum at the foot of york street. The Haida was moved from toronto to Hamilton harbour and was under parks canada for a while before being moved one more time to a canadian naval base still in Hamilton. Tourists can visit the Haida go on ship and below deck for a in depth tour of the ship and all of her historical battles.

Fort york located in Toronto ontario canada under the gardiner expressway was built in 1793 to defend york from invasion. The fort started out as a small barracks but was later built into the structure we know today. The fort was taken by invading american forces in 1813 bye naval and ground forces The retreating British forces set fire to the black powder that they could not carry. And inso doing so killed hundred of american foot soldiers including the americans general  Zebilo Pike. The fort was held for 5 days bye the americans and then was later retaken by british and native forces . The fort was rebuilt and withstood a later invasion attempt in 1814 by the americans. The fort is hidden under the gardiner expressway and is surrounded by industrial complexes. But when u enter the gates you feel like you have been taken back in time with all of the historical buildings and actors.

Fort George is located in Niagara on the lake right on the Niagara river as it spits out into lake Ontario and acted as a defence for the city of York which is now Toronto. Every year in the first week of September scouts from Ontario and scouts from new york state all drive to Fort George to have a war of 1812 battle re enactment. The fort was built to stop a possible invasion from the united states in 1812 and to monitor trade routes coming into York. The yearly re-enactments that the scouts put on are truly remarkable thousands of scouts on each side battle it out with hand made cap gun muskets. Some groups such as mine had hand built cannons (they did not fire anything) we used a potato cannon filled with hairspray to shoot out a sock. There are sometimes were professionals do the reenacting with real muskets with real gunpowder and real cannons (obviously without bullets or cannon balls) that happens once a year in October. The fort was all but destroyed in the 1800`s form constant bombardment from the American fort called fort Niagara that you can literally  see across the river. That coupled with naval bombardment and troop invasion destroyed the fort.  Parks Canada restored the fort in 1930 back to its former glory. Fort George is definitely a stop to make if you're in the Niagara on the lake area.

The Canadian warplane Heritage museum is definitely one of Ontario's best military aircraft museums it boasts 36 aircraft all together. The museum shares its runways with Munro Hamilton International airport and plays a huge part in Hamilton's annual airshow. The museum has multiple type of aircraft from multiple eras of  multiple wars. They have supersonic jet fighters touching wings with ww2 propeller aircraft witch is sure to inform and enthuse everyone who visits. The museum rebuilds and refurbishes military aircraft from all around the world to either flying condition or display condition. Some planes ever (for a high price) let you go up in a ww2 Lancaster bomber and be either co-pilot or bombardier or any position in the bomber. It great for kids and i can hear the 4 Rolls Royce Merlin engines rumbling and shaking my house from time to time. Unfortunately there was a fire in 1993 in one of the hangers and they lost 5 of their aircraft in the blaze; but they have replaced most of them with the last one nearing completion very soon. The Canadian warplane heritage museum is definitely a great place to visit in Ontario.

Sunday 30 September 2012

I was visiting my sister who was attending Queens University in the fall of 2009 my father and I had to kill some time before we had to move her into her student house. So we walked around town trying to see what we could do. We found a “sights to see” catalogue in the downtown area and it said the number one thing we should do is visit Fort Henry. Fort henry is definitely not a nice walk from the downtown core you will need a car but once you get their it`s more than worth it.  Kingston Ontario is home to one of Canada’s largest forts built to defend against the Americans in the 1800`s. It was built from 1832 to 1837 to reinforce an already existing fort form 1812 it was built to defend port hennery from American invasion. My experience in the fort was an amazing one we went on a perfect day not a cloud in the sky.  We went on a day when not many people were their so it was nice and peaceful. My father and I climbed up the relatively steep hill to get to the main wall. We followed it until we came across the main gate. The gate was in the other side of a HUGE ravine that was spanned bye a historic small draw bridge. We crossed the bridge and walked through the immense gates and into a rather large courtyard we were both flabbergasted by the sheer size of the open space. We noticed there were windows all around us and upon closer inspection we noticed they were little homes and the structure of a little self-sufficient town.  The fort has multiple little rooms and tunnels in and around the walls of this massive fortress. The Fort put on mock battles and let the visitors dress up and joins in all the action. Also if you’re visiting the fort in October they have a very scary haunted fort night that I have been told is very well put together. Fort Henry is definitely a fun day trip if you’re in Kingston Ontario and need to kill a good chunk of the day.

 (Front Gates)
(Fort fright)

Saturday 22 September 2012

Canadian War Museum Ottawa Ontario

The Canadian War Museum in Ottawa Ontario Canada is definitely a sight that should be checked out if you are into Canadian military history. It was opened on May, 8, 2005 coinciding with the 65th anniversary of the end of World War 2 in Europe. The Museum boasts more than I thought it would when I visited. I went there thinking that it would be unorganized and not much bulk of historical items. But how wrong I was it had EVERYTHING and more. It was definitely an experience I will not forget. The way they laid out the exhibits was interesting. You saw the oldest items first in the tour. The museum was planned out so you kept going from one time frame to the next until you emerge into a huge room filled with WW1,WW2 and just about every other war you could think of, full of equipment. The Canadian war museum is definitely a good place to visit if you’re a military enthusiast or if you are just looking to kill some time. Heck you might even learn a few interesting things to stump you friends with.

T34/85 medium Russian tank

German Jagdpanzer IV

Berlin wall Diorama

Inactive nuclear bomb from cold war era